Imagine a world where every appraisal goes smoothly. Wait, is that even possible? The Girls With Grit Appraisal Checklist makes it absolutely possible!
Our COMPLETE checklist shows you how to prepare ahead of time, what to include in your packet for the appraiser, and how to package it in a helpful, non-aggressive way. We want to ensure you do everything possible to make sure your listings don’t have appraisal issues.
The best part? It’s FREE!
Picture this, you're getting ready for your next listing appointment. You've already picked up the Girls With Grit Collective Listing Presentation, so you're set there. BUT, you're always wondering what you tangible document you can leave with your potential Sellers, without giving away your secret sauce.
Well, this is it! The Girls With Grit: How To Prep Your Home For Sale Guide is just the solution. With just enough detail to remind your potential Sellers how AWESOME it would be to work with you - but not so much that they can do it without you! This is the perfect brochure to leave a lasting impression!